Impact Calculator

Capturing the impact of parks and recreation has been an identified need of professionals working in the field. Data and information together paint a picture for parks and recreation professionals to utilize in communicating their value to the communities they serve, and more specifically to decision makers and community partners.
The first edition of the Recreation and Parks Impact Calculator powered by Sports Facilities Advisory will serve to provide valuable data and information to users, but is only the beginning of a broader and deeper conversation around the true value of parks and recreation.
For instructions on using the calculator or requesting access, download the user guide below.
Getting Started Checklist

Watch this video with Lara Khoury from the City of Largo with tips on gathering your data 

Watch Rick Durr with Seminole County present information from the Calculator data in a presentation 

Ask question/share resources in the Impact Calculator eConnect group.

long blue rectangle, white letters

rectangle - green with white letters

blue rectangle with white letters

Click on the icon to be taken to the Resources page for that particular Calculator.
For overall tips on preparing for presentations or reports, click here.

teal box with white house icon The proximity of a home to a park has an effect on the value of that home. darker teal box with white heart The benefits of a walk in the park include positive impacts on physical and mental health. Healthcare cost savings are a direct result. light green box with white tree icon The environment sees a large impact from the work of park and recreation professionals. The simple planting of a tree creates a dollar reduction impact for our community.

green box with white airplane icon Visitors come to Florida each day to experience beaches, parks, events and other public spaces that park and recreation departments offer. blue box with white thumbprint icon Park and Recreation departments help serve the public by providing life-saving swim lessons and keeping kids and teens entertained during out of school times. dark blue box with white briefcase icon From the in-house jobs that departments hold to the businesses in the surrounding community that employ based on visitors and activities by the park.


frpa foundation logo and sfa logo