Featured Member Services

FRPA eConnect
Connecting members remains a priority for FRPA.  We realize where groups of parks and recreation professionals convene, great things happen.  The FRPA eConnect is the Association's community where you can share resources, discuss issues of significance to the profession, or simply search for fellow FRPA members.  Whether you are looking for information today, or simply want to stay abreast of what others are discussing, the FRPA eConnect provides you the ability to customize your community experience in the way that is most meaningful and convenient for you.  Login today and start connecting.


FRPA Eclips
Keeping on top of the news and what is occurring relative to our profession can be time consuming and overwhelming.  FRPA makes it easy for you through Eclips: an online community that captures major news headings about issues of relevance to parks and recreation in the State of Florida and around the country.  Featured sections include the environment, national news, sports, state news, trends, and more.  The Eclips forum provides an easy to read summary of the articles with a link to the entire article or publications. You can choose to receive updates on items added to this community right to your email inbox.

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FRPA Impact Calculator
The FRPA Calculator is an answer to the park and professional's need for quantitative information that communicates the value of parks and recreation services in their community. The Calculator uses the areas of property values, health, public safety, the environment, jobs supported and tourism to measure impacts on the community. This is only available to current FRPA members. READ MORE


directory coverFRPA Member Directory
Each year FRPA produces a Directory of current FRPA members that includes up-to-date information from the Association, product and vendor advertisers, and message from your FRPA Leadership. Membership Directories are sent out in February and generally include anyone who has joined up to the prior December.


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Covering the Bases Newsletter
The Covering the Bases newsletter is a monthly newsletter is sent to members each month and covers the latest news from FRPA and associated organizations. Each month features an update from FRPA on what's going on, member news, resources, opportunities to get involved, and more! Read archived issues here.


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FRPA Journal
Each quarter FRPA publishes a magazine for members that features some articles collected or authored by the FRPA Editorial Committee. This magazine brings together many aspects of the park and recreation profession, offering you timely information on topics that will help you in your day-to-day work. This publication is supported by advertisements that are relative to your jobs. Recent and archived issues of the FRPA Journal can be found here. 


FRPA is working on behalf of the parks, recreation and leisure services profession to highlight our role in the quality of life of all people and assist with marketing the profession. This is done through the following activities: working with the FRPA Executive Office on legislative issues and activities, developing programs to engage students who are interested in the parks, recreation and leisure services field, marketing the profession to people outside of the field and to advance national initiatives, from the National Recreation and Park Association, within the state.
