Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

diversity equity inclusion

The Florida Recreation and Park Association recognizes and celebrates the diversity that exists within our profession, our membership, and those participating in FRPA events, as well as the citizens our members serve. Equity is realized as one of FRPA's core values, acknowledging that all people are created equal but have not had equal opportunities and therefore we need to meet people where they are to truly explore their contribution to the profession. Including everyone in every aspect of the Florida Recreation and Park Association, from events to Board elections, is critical to the success of the Association's future growth and relevance. 

Current Efforts Incorporating DEI at FRPA                                                                            
The Organization: FRPA is undergoing a multiple tier assessment of the organization in terms of ensuring that the different layers within the Association are equal, fair, equitable, and that the membership understands the importance of the inclusion of every professional. 
Community Building Pillar: Under goal of building advocates for parks and recreation, ensuring park and recreation professionals are encouraging People of Color involvement in outdoor activities and parks and recreation programs.
Economic Impact: Under goal of building public awareness of the benefits of working for parks and recreation, focus on reaching diverse populations.
Health: Under goal of increasing mental health awareness in park and recreation settings, incorporating intentional outreach to different cultures and abilities.

Statement of Commitment to Diversity: Purchasing, Sponsorship, and Contracts               
The Florida Recreation and Park Association, Inc. is grounded in the principles of diversity and equity, and has expressed that commitment in our vision statement:  An empowered, engaged, and diverse network of members, advocates, and partners equipped to advance parks and recreation. Considered as partners in the work of the Association are the vendors with which we conduct business, the sponsors which invest in the Association and its members, and those organizations with whom we contract for the business of the Association.  As such, the Association desires to work with partners who share our commitment to diversity and equity.

Therefore, it is the commitment of The Florida Recreation and Park Association, Inc. that we

  1. make every effort to conduct routine business with minority owned businesses, with the goal that a minimum of 30% of outside vendors meet Florida’s standard for minority owned businesses;
  2. make every effort to only purchase goods and services from both countries and individual vendors who maintain a standard of fair trade;
  3. only conduct contractual business with organizations and entities that maintain a safe and respectful work environment free of harassment and upholding the practices of non-discrimination, diversity and equity; and
  4. only accept partner investments in the form of sponsorships and/or membership from organizations who share our vision of a diverse and equitable society.

While the Association realizes the above statements may preclude us from conducting business with some organizations, and may even increase the cost of conducting business, it is our commitment to demonstrate our commitment to diversity and equity through our business practices.  As such, these shall be the adopted practices for conducting business on behalf of The Florida Recreation and Park Association, Inc.

FRPA's Commitment to Standards of Conduct at Events                                                             
As a participant, we want you to enjoy your time at events.  We ask that you join us in encouraging and maintaining the highest professional standards possible at all functions within any FRPA event.  Attendees, presenters, vendors, and staff at FRPA events are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a courteous, professional, and respectful manner. Attendees are required to abstain from behavior that reflects poorly on their agency, the Florida Recreation and Park Association, and the membership. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, actions disrupting the businesslike atmosphere, harassment, discrimination, inappropriate language, failing to comply with all local, state, and federal laws, and activities that endanger self and others. While we do not anticipate these challenges, we do want to be transparent regarding our commitment to assuring a safe and enjoyable environment for all event participants and let you know that misconduct will be addressed with you individually and/or with your employer. Attendees, presenters, vendors, and staff who do not comply with this code of conduct at any event may be removed from said event and barred from attending all future FRPA sponsored or co-sponsored events.


Social Media Pages

The social media pages linked below are not affiliated with the Florida Recreation and Park Association, nor does FRPA necessarily support any political position taken by the owners of these social media accounts. They are featured here to encourage you or your agency's connection with such pages that engage underrepresented communities in the areas of parks and recreation that are not historically enjoyed by these communities.

Outdoor Afro - Instagram

Greening Youth Foundation - Instagram

HBCUs Outside - Facebook

Latino Outdoors - Facebook

Brown People Camping - Instagram

Black Surfing Association - Instagram

All Mountain Brothers - Instagram

Outdoor Asian - Facebook

Jungle Jordan - Instagram

The Oath - Instagram

Blackpackers - Blog

Black Women Outdoors - Instagram

LGBT Outdoors - Instagram