2025 Sponsorships

green and blur with 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities

Commercial FRPA Members and other entities are invited to sponsor events through FRPA that reach Florida park and recreation professionals. There are opportunities throughout the year to connect with our members and let them know about your products, services, or initiatives.  We hope you will find what you’re looking for in the events listed below. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. All limited sponsorships will be first come, first served. Sponsorships that include an onsite component may require insurance to be provided naming FRPA as additional insured.


Regional Education Events take place in the different regions of Florida: Southeast, Southwest, Central, and North Florida. These are generally half to full day events that offer education and networking to professionals. There are anywhere from 25-100 registrants for these. For your
$250 investment you will receive the following: opportunity to address group for two minutes, sponsor table, listing in all material when received by deadline for brochure distribution.

Charlotte County - Port Charlotte - January 31

Gainesville - March 5

Largo - March 6

Tampa - March 25

North Port - April 16

Tallahassee - May 7


FRPA’s Park Management Institute is an intensive and comprehensive learning journey appropriate for those responsible for senior level leadership in the Parks area. We have two options to support this event. There is one Presenting Sponsorship available at the $750 level and includes an address to the participants during the opening comments and the ability to play a short video; as well as the items listed under the vendor sponsorship items following. For your $325 Vendor Sponsorship investment you will receive: Sponsor table located in premier location with high exposure to workshop attendees to be set up all day on Thursday (2/16),  Prominent recognition in the meeting emails, listing on onsite slides and program during the event, one lunch ticket (may purchase additional lunches for representatives) for Thursday (2/16). 

January 16 & 17, 2025  | Bradenton, FL | REGISTER AS A SPONSOR


Regional Turf Rodeo Events take place in the different regions of Florida: Southeast, Southwest, and North Florida. These are generally half to full day events that offer an education component as well as the ability to compete against other departments in the area. There are generally 80-100 registrants for these. For your
investment you will receive the following: sponsorship of set number of "events" determined by level of commitment, sponsor table, listing in all material when received by deadline for brochure distribution.

March 20, 2025 | Clay County

March 20, 2025 | Plantation


The Virtual Education Series features a one - two hour online education program via zoom. Attendees range from frontline employees to directors of departments—depending on the content. Sponsorship is $250 and sponsor will have logo placed on registration information, on marketing emails and will have the opportunity to either address the attendees live for up to two minutes or provide a two minute video to be played during the live session. Sessions are offered to participants outside the state of Florida so the audience is potentially nation-wide.

Sessions are offered Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays in November 2024—June 2025. Work with FRPA Office on open dates. SOLD


Training for camp leaders, counselors, and directors. Focus is on games, activities, crafts, games, behavior modification, working with children and parents, and more. For your $150 investment you will receive: onsite sponsor table, listing in all marketing materials (when received by deadline for brochure distribution).

2025 | West Central Florida | Clearwater
2025 | Southwest Florida | North Port

2025 | Southeast Region | Coconut Creek


A Southeast FRPA tradition, this fun lunch brings together the Southeast community of park and recreation professionals for a time to share good together, participate in the annual silent auction, and perhaps play a few games. $300 investment gives your company a table top display area, recognition in the registration brochure and onsite materials, and two lunch tickets (option to purchase additional tickets at $25 each)

December 4, 2024 | Parkland, FL | REGISTER AS A SPONSOR


FRPA's Leadership Intensive Programs are designed to build upon each other throughout the park and recreation professional's career. 

 January and February 2025 | Umatilla, FL 


Newer to the field of parks and recreation, these participants have been employed for just a few years (3-5) and are learning to supervise for the first time. Sponsor will be named in pre-event materials and be afforded the ability to address the attendees via a video to be shown during the sessions.



This school hosts mid-level managers who have been in the field or a supervisory position for quite a while. They are generally facility managers or supervisors, program area managers, park supervisors. Sponsor will be named in pre-event materials and be afforded the ability to address the attendees via a video to be shown during the sessions.



Attendees aspire to become a member of an executive level leadership team within a parks and recreation agency. The Academy hosts upper level management. Sponsor will be named in pre-event materials and be afforded the ability to address the attendees during the sessions.


The FRPA Agency Summit is a premier educational experience for Directors, Assistant Directors and Superintendents in key decision making positions within public agencies providing parks, recreation, and similar community services.

 April 2025—Location TBD


Sponsor receives: Recognition signage, recognition in registration materials, attendance for two (2) company representatives on Thursday and Friday during the Summit, opportunity for two (2) company representatives to welcome attendees at the Evening Event*, opportunity to include information in the participant materials, recognition in pre-event emails. *NOTE: The evening event is attended by agency participants and Evening Event Sponsors ONLY

BCI BURKE       


Sponsor receives: Recognition signage, recognition in registration materials, attendance for two (2) company representatives on Thursday and Friday during the Summit, opportunity to include information in the participant materials, recognition in pre-event emails



Sponsor receives: Recognition signage, recognition in registration materials, attendance for one (1) company representative on Thursday during the Summit, opportunity to include information in the participant materials, recognition in pre-event emails



Opportunity to include information or promotional item in the participant materials (not an on-site sponsorship).



The Florida Recreation and Park Association annually hosts its Conference and Trade Show in August. This much anticipated event offers over 100 educational sessions for park and recreation professionals from across the State of Florida. Also highly popular, is the seven-hour trade show and exhibit hall, featuring product and service providers for the field of parks and recreation. The 2025 Annual Conference will be held at the Caribe Royale Resort in Orlando, Florida August 25-28, 2025.

Awards and Installation Banquet Exclusive Sponsor | $10,000

This sponsorship offers recognition in pre and post conference publicity via emails, social media, and the FRPA website and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet and registration slideshow. You will also have the ability for two company representatives to attend the event and the opportunity to provide an up to two-minute video to play at the event.


Mobile App Presenting Sponsor | $7,000

This sponsorship offers exclusive app sponsor naming rights for one year and will allow placement of the company logo on the app opening screen. Recognition in pre and post conference publicity via emails, social media and the FRPA website and in the on-site conference program booklet and registration slideshow. Up to four mobile app ads that will cycle on the app.


Name Badge Holders | $5,000

Company logo placed on all delegate name badge holders. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline, and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet.


Conference Bag | $7,000

Company logo placed on all delegate giveaway bags. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline, and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet.


Opening Session | $4,000

Introduce the Opening General Session Speaker along with having your up to two-minute promo video played before the session starts. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline, and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet. 


Tuesday General Session | $4,000

Introduce the General Session Speaker along with having your up to two-minute promo video played before the session starts. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline, and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet. 


Closing Session | $4,000

Introduce the Closing General Session Speaker along with having your up to two-minute video played before the session starts. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline, and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet.



Evening SocialS – EIGHT available | $4,000 each

Option to attend the Social with up to three company representatives. Sponsors will be recognized via announcements during the Social. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline, and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet. *Sponsorships not exclusive but first come – first served for competitors.


Director’s Luncheon | $4,000

Ability to make a short, up to five-minute, presentation to an audience of approximately 60-80 executive level decision makers in the parks and recreation industry in a discrete environment. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline, and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet.


Happy Hour Networking Event – three available | $4,000

Option to attend a Happy Hour Networking event on Tuesday afternoon of the Conference with up to three company representatives. Sponsorship will support an appetizer station at the event. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline, and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet. *Sponsorships not exclusive but first come – first served for competitors.

Coffee Break – six available | $3,000

Sponsor will attend break and hand out coffee coupons, allowing them interaction with delegates. Breaks will take place: Monday and Wednesday AM and PM, Tuesday PM, and Thursday AM. Receive recognition in pre and post conference publicity and recognition in the on-site conference program booklet, if the sponsorship is received by the established deadline.

Awards Program | $3,000

Sponsorship supports the printed Awards Program for the winners and guests to receive at the Annual Awards and Installation Banquet. Logo will be on the back cover of the program.



Newsletter | $1,500

Company logo on six newsletters sent out to full membership over a two-month period. Recognition in pre and post conference publicity via emails, social media and the FRPA website, recognition on the mobile app, recognition in the on-site conference program booklet and registration slideshow.